Saturday 3 July 2010

Comment on blog. About smoking

Sahdiya said...

i agree, the way media portrays smoking to be a good thing has a bad influence on children aswell as adults. they seem to think its 'cool' which affects children as they get influenced easily as they are vulnerable.! its ridiculous.!

3 July 2010 03:49

Friday 2 July 2010

S T D's

Today sexually transmitted diseases are becoming more and more common, research has showed most common ones are chlamydia, Genital herpes, Genital warts, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis A,B and C, and Syphilis.

Sexually transmitted diseases are diseases that are usually passed from one person to another during sex. There are at least 25 different sexually transmitted diseases with different symptoms. These diseases may be spread through vaginal, anal and oral sex.

Most sexually transmitted diseases will only affect you if you have sexual contact with someone who has an STD. However there are some infections, for example scabies, which are referred to as STDs because they are most commonly transmitted sexually, but which can also be passed on in other ways.

It is important to ensure that the person you are having sexually contact with is clear of these diseases or consequences will occur.!

However some people hide the fact that they have these diseases which is dangerous and misleading, so therefore why not get both of yourselves checked out by the doctor before getting sexually involved with one another.?

Thursday 1 July 2010

T H E F T/ S T E A L I N G

Theft/ stealing is a crime however some peoples views are that if the item you are staeling is 'minor' such as sweets from a shop or a packet of crisp then this is not as bad and people are able to get away with. however if this is the case, this can start from an early age where youngsters will rob from shops and may lead to becoming a bigger issue later on in life, they may get used to the fact that they are getting things for free without a punishment. if they carry on htis they can go onto stealing bigger things such as money, valuable jewelery, houses and many more.

The punishment for stealing depends on what damage was done and what was stolen. for example depending on what is stolen it could be imprisonment, community service or a fine. in many cases today imprisonment is common for thieves.

Interestingly in some religious countries punishment for theft is far more strict below is a link for punishment of theft in some Muslim countries and what Islam says about theft:

Wednesday 30 June 2010

Response to comment about tatoos.

DJ OZONE said...

and the problem with tattoo is that people tent to change their mind and regret what or dont like the drawing because they want something else.

Sahdiya said...

Indeed.. i agree. therefore they regret it.


Media can be a powerful entertainment and education tool for children within the right programming. nevertheless, research has shown that television, and media in general, can have a negative influence. Some studies suggest it can shorten attention span, distort body image, work in conjunction with other factors to escalate obesity, create fear, and increase aggressive and anti-social behaviors if exposure is unmonitored and unlimited.

Children are vulnerable around the age of 0-16 and therfore will get influenced very easily. For example if a child is brought up watching films in which gangsters are portrayed to be 'cool' and 'bad' they will want to become cool like the gangsters on television. this effects a child in a very negative manner.!

Tuesday 29 June 2010


Joy riding is ridiculous in my opinion..
many people who joy ride are selfish.!
it is very dangerous and causes many killings today in society..
29 June 2010 17:51


Masturbation is a very uncomfortable subject to talk about. However some people deal with talkin about it differently.. it is an embarrassing subject and people may find masturbation itself an embarrassing thing to do..however in reality masturbation is done very often as in one of the lecture a survey that was done had proved this.!

Nevertheless in my opinion i think masturbation is not a thing in which people should do.. they should get pleasure from their partners..

also the fact that many people do it makes it acceptable but why are people still embarrassed to talk about the subject?

Religions such as Islam forbids masturbation.!

Wednesday 5 May 2010


Infidelity is where cheating goes on within a relationship.. some people argue that this can be done by having an affair, masturbating, having an online relationship, flirting and many other ways.

However, people have different views and opinions on what infidelity can be referred to as well as how it can have an affect on their personal relationship. For example some couples may be ok with their partners flirting however some are not.

Today media shows a lot of infidelity with celebrities for example, Cheryl Cole and Ashley and Tiger Woods. this can in a way glamorize cheating and having affairs. Individuals cheat for many reasons some may include for the fun of it, insecurity or not wanting to be with their current partner.

If someone has been cheated it can have a serious affect on them regarding their happiness and self esteem and mnay more ways however thier are many support organisations and websites one is below:

Saturday 1 May 2010


A lot of individuals drink alcohol and have always drank alcohol, however some individuals do not take up alcohol as culture, religion or beliefs prevents them from this. Main reasons are due to what alcohol does to the mind and body.

Drinking alcohol is not so bad for one's health when there is a limit on how one can drink, for woman the regular amount medically, is recommended units of alcohol per week is 14 for women and 21 for men. However drinking more than this can lead to many sorts of illnesses some include liver disease, coronary heart disease and many more.

in my personal opinion drinking alcohol is wrong however this is because my religion forbids it...

Saturday 24 April 2010


Tattoos have existed since the 5th centuary which is a long time.
Today they have been a common thing to go into, however are they dangerous.??? Ink going into your skin, permanantly. The pain is PAAIINNFFUULL.! They may look nice but is it really worth it?

(The term "tattoo" or from Tahiti, "Tatau" is first referenced by Joseph Banks, the naturalist aboard Cook's ship the "Endeavour" in 1769 where he mentions it in his journal. To paraphrase. he states, "I shall now mention the way they mark themselves indelibly, each of them is so marked by their humor or disposition".)

Individuals have tattoos anywhere on their bodies even on the most unexpected of places.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

D .R .U .G .S

In this part of the lecture we had a session about how drugs are 'bad' I'm sure everyone knows that drugs are seen in a negative light within society but people see it as a cool thing to go into.

within media it is mainly portrayed with gangsters and therfore shows audiences that drug dealing is the way to head to become a 'gangster'. This is like smoking where its bad but seen as not so bad when taking it.

Use of drugs is a killer and everyone should know this.!!!

A woman i had heard of had lost everything because of drugs. she was a successful business woman who had a lot going for her, however she had problems at home which led her to become stressed and thought that taking drugs would get rid of her issues and worries. but this was not the case she became too reliant on them and had lost her mind which therefore led her to losing everything.

Drugs are as a business for people to make money which is why there are many people who can get hold of such substances easily.

Friday 16 April 2010


LIES cause a lot of trouble with families, friends, and everyone generally. When people tell lies its seen as a bad thing however some people think that it depends on what is being lied about, for example some people may have to lie in order to keep someone from harm or not to hurt their feelings. a common type of lie is a 'white lie' this is where the lie is not as serious and is known as a small fib.

People argure that there is nothing wrong in lying as long as it's for a good cause, however in my opinion if u lie in order to save someone for example if a woman was ill but had to lie to her children that shes ok in order to protect them from worrying then it is acceptable.

It is stated that individuals lie for many reasons, some of these reasons may be in order to keep themselves from trouble, to make themselves look good, protect other peoples feelings and many more.

lying can affects someones life vastly and puts people in situations that they do not want to be in however there are many consequences for lying.

Thursday 15 April 2010

S M O K I N G...

As the module has passed by i have gathered a lot more information and knowledge about smoking.
we have established that smoking is bad for one's mind, body and soul. People view smoking in different opinions on whether its a positive thing to do or negative. some reason as to why people take up smoking are because they think its 'cool' to do so or they feel an adrenaline rush knowing that its portrayed negatively. also maybe simply because they are bored and take it up as a hobby.

smoking has many affects to someones health and well-being, some example of these that are caused to due smoking are, cancer, bronchitis, heart attacks and many more illnesses and diseases.
You would think knowing that smoking causes all these problems people would not take up smoking or at least quit it before its too late, but the power it has makes people addicted and therefore find it difficult to give up.

People around me smoke, the reason they give is because of STRESS, this is a common factor of why individuals smoke.
It gives them a pleasure as well as taking stress and worry away for some moments as quoted by a friend.

in the lecture we were informed of many statistics that i didnt know of before and realised that smoking is glamourised within the media system which then influences many people young and old.