Thursday 15 April 2010

S M O K I N G...

As the module has passed by i have gathered a lot more information and knowledge about smoking.
we have established that smoking is bad for one's mind, body and soul. People view smoking in different opinions on whether its a positive thing to do or negative. some reason as to why people take up smoking are because they think its 'cool' to do so or they feel an adrenaline rush knowing that its portrayed negatively. also maybe simply because they are bored and take it up as a hobby.

smoking has many affects to someones health and well-being, some example of these that are caused to due smoking are, cancer, bronchitis, heart attacks and many more illnesses and diseases.
You would think knowing that smoking causes all these problems people would not take up smoking or at least quit it before its too late, but the power it has makes people addicted and therefore find it difficult to give up.

People around me smoke, the reason they give is because of STRESS, this is a common factor of why individuals smoke.
It gives them a pleasure as well as taking stress and worry away for some moments as quoted by a friend.

in the lecture we were informed of many statistics that i didnt know of before and realised that smoking is glamourised within the media system which then influences many people young and old.

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