Thursday 1 July 2010

T H E F T/ S T E A L I N G

Theft/ stealing is a crime however some peoples views are that if the item you are staeling is 'minor' such as sweets from a shop or a packet of crisp then this is not as bad and people are able to get away with. however if this is the case, this can start from an early age where youngsters will rob from shops and may lead to becoming a bigger issue later on in life, they may get used to the fact that they are getting things for free without a punishment. if they carry on htis they can go onto stealing bigger things such as money, valuable jewelery, houses and many more.

The punishment for stealing depends on what damage was done and what was stolen. for example depending on what is stolen it could be imprisonment, community service or a fine. in many cases today imprisonment is common for thieves.

Interestingly in some religious countries punishment for theft is far more strict below is a link for punishment of theft in some Muslim countries and what Islam says about theft:

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